10 Fitness Bucket List Goals to Start Training For


Conquer the Pull-Up

This upper-body exercise involves pulling yourself up — palms facing away from you — while hanging from a stationary bar. Pull-ups primarily work the muscles of the back and biceps. “Pull-ups are one of the most effective ways to increase size and strengthen your back muscles and core,” says Lisa Kinder, star of the “10-Minute Solution: High Intensity Interval Training” DVD. Focus on the grip first, Kinder says. Hold the hang on the pull-up bar for as long as you can, then work on squeezing your shoulder blades together. Use a bungee or assisted pull-up machine (common in most gyms) if needed. Women should strive for four to eight repetitions and men for six to 12.

Finish a 10K

Marathons may be daunting for new runners, but a 10K (6.2 miles) seems universally doable. They’re popular with beginners, especially those who have done a 5K, race but don’t feel they’re quite ready to take on the half-marathon, Lisa Kinder says. “There’s nothing like having the goal of competing in a race to focus the mind,” says Kinder, who recommends running three times a week at a minimum to get fit and prepare for a 10K. Do two 30-minute runs on Tuesday and Thursday and a long run on the weekend. When possible, add an additional 20-minute easy run to your schedule to increase total time.

Hold a Forearm Plank for Three Minutes

A perfect plank — no hiking up your hips or allowing them to sag — is one of the best exercises for increasing core strength. “Holding a stationary plank involves stability of the whole body,” which helps prevent injury, ease motion and build strength, says Jacque Crockford, exercise physiologist and education specialist at the American Council on Exercise (ACE). If new to the forearm plank, work up to it by holding a plank on the elbows and knees for 10 to 15 seconds. Rest and repeat for two to three sets. Add time gradually until you are able to hold a plank on the knees for 30 seconds, then lift the knees and hold the plank on the elbows and feet for 20 seconds. Repeat for two to three sets and continue to add time until you reach that three-minute goal.

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Do 20 Perfect Push-Ups

Push-ups require upper-body strength and full-body stability. “When performing a push-up correctly (with a straight line from head to heels, elbows bending to 90 degrees), you engage the major upper-body muscle groups like the pectorals and deltoids,” says Jacque Crockford, exercise physiologist and education specialist at the American Council on Exercise (ACE). “You’re also engaging your trunk and leg musculature to maintain proper body position” — the same muscles used everyday for toting groceries or carrying children. Work up to your goal by doing two to three sets of eight to 12 reps every two to three days during strength training. “If you’re not able to do one full push-up yet, start by doing push-ups on the wall, against a low bench or with the knees on the ground,” Crockford says. “Then progress to five full-body push-ups at a time.”

Master an Olympic Lift

Popularized by CrossFit, Olympic lifts include complex, full-body exercises designed to increase power and strength and are often used to train for sports. The clean and jerk, for example, is a composite of power, strength, speed, coordination and stabilization of nearly every joint, says Irv Rubenstein, Ph.D., founder of S.T.E.P.S., a science-based fitness facility in Nashville, Tennessee. “For athletes, the clean and jerk is a fundamental power-training exercise demanding vertical power production of the lower extremities and upper body, with substantial core (abs, hips, low back) strength and stability requirements, to transfer energy from the ground up.” Though it’s similar to lifting an object from the ground or a slight elevation and putting it overhead onto a shelf, you may want to consult a strength coach for proper instruction.

Do a Long-Distance Bike Tour

Combine a travel bucket list item with a fitness one and plan a bike trip through a beautiful area like Napa Valley. A fitness endeavor combined with wine includes both work and play, which isn’t a bad thing. “Fine wine and food is always a pleasant reward for those so inclined to consume it,” Rubenstein says. “Plus, a bike tour — even interspersed by visits to local wineries and vineyards — is an aerobic event, made more challenging by taking the gentle slopes faster or simply going longer distances throughout the day.” Be sure to buy a good bike and get it fitted to your body properly. Don’t skimp on the appropriate cycling equipment, and learn basic skills to repair your bike should you get a flat or mess up the chain, Rubenstein says.

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Complete a Strenuous Hike

Hiking the Grand Canyon, for instance, requires physical strength as well as mental toughness, making it a good bucket-list item, Rubenstein says. Plus, it will be a truly memorable experience. “You’re not only going to see some amazing vistas and natural formations, but you’re going to have to be physically very strong — heart and legs and core. And, yes, you carry your own water and backpack,” he says. “It’s a total-body event with amazing rewards along the way.” Train for it by doing basic cardio, such as walking on hills, running and stair climbing, preferably on real stairs. The elliptical machine also works, as does squats, lunges and step-ups using weights in your hand or on your body (like a weighted vest, which develops the legs). Rubenstein suggests you vary the stair height and focus on core work.

Balance on One Leg With Eyes Closed for 15 Seconds

Balance keeps you stable as you age, so setting a goal to keep your balance makes it less likely you’ll have problems later in life. “Balancing on one leg correlates with fewer falls,” says Rubenstein. If you’ve never done balance training, start slowly. Rubenstein recommends facing the doorjamb with both hands out in front of you on each side of the jamb. Practice balancing on both feet with your eyes closed before gradually progressing to doing so without holding on. When you are comfortable with that, practice balancing with eyes open on one foot until you can keep your hips level and not wobble. Maintain balance without touching the jamb. Then try it with your eyes closed on one leg, but keep the hands close to the jamb.

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Master an Advanced Yoga Pose

Advanced yoga pose crow (bakasana) requires upper-body strength, balance, core strength and hip flexibility, says Jennifer Galardi, certified yoga instructor and “Flowetry” DVD star. Prep for it with down dog, plank and chataranga poses, Galardi says. To perform crow, start in down dog, lift the heels and walk the feet toward the hands. Your shoulders may be behind your wrists, but pull up through your core into a pike-type position. Bend knees in a deep squat and walk the feet closer to the wrists. Press the hands into the ground, drawing your shoulders away from the ears. Slowly bend your elbows, moving them into the body and back as you move into a squat position. Pull in your core as you shift your weight over your hands, sending your hips up. Place one knee on the upper back of one arm that is creating a “shelf” for the leg. Put the toes down and try the other leg, keeping the opposite foot on the floor. You can play with alternating legs to gain strength, eventually lifting both legs onto the arms.

10 Perform a Handstand

Handstands require a great core and back strength to execute properly, Galardi says. “Crow can be an excellent pose to prep for a handstand,” she says. You can also do a handstand “walking up the wall.” With a wall behind you, come into down dog position. Begin to walk your hands back as you walk your feet up the wall until your body is at a 90-degree angle. Pull your navel up and back, and avoid “dumping” into the shoulders. Hold here for up to one minute. Eventually press one leg off the wall straight into the air as you flex the foot and press the heel of the lifted leg to the ceiling. Switch legs. Galardi recommends, however, “I would not perform this pose without the guidance of a qualified teacher because there is too much room for error, misalignment and possible injury.”