What are the basic precautionary measures that should be taken right after a surgery?


Any kind of surgery is crucial and needs to be treated properly by the surgeon. Now after the surgery that is the post- surgery phase is equally important for the patient.  That is the stage when the process of recovery starts.  Every patient needs to follow a particular routine in order to get back to normal.

Dr. Mark Hochberg one of the renowned surgeon at U.S.A has clearly stated that the post- surgery state is the actual time when a patient recovers from the ailment. Therefore taking proper care and following a doctor’s instruction is a must during that stage.

Here is a highlight of some of the primary ways of how to deal in a post surgery phase.

The various precautions are taken depending upon the kind of surgery that took place. Different surgeries have got different ways to deal with during the time of healing. If it is a knee based or stomach based surgery then certain things are just not allowed and these are

  • Stairs- A person who has undergone a surgery should not be allowed to climb up and down the stair. This is the n primary thing that should be done. Continuous up and down makes the stitches go weak and in turn creates further complications.  Therefore people should not use the stairs after a surgery.  It is strict ‘no’ from every doctor.
  • A strict diet is necessary- A patient should be under a strict diet after the surgery. Food habits also help in recovering process.  A patient should be under a strict diet as set by the doctor.
  • Access to certain equipments- A patient should keep certain things at his place like oxygen tanks, elevated toilets, shower seats and some other variable for different purpose. These equipments are used a recovering tool.  Remember you should only buy these things after the doctor has suggested you to do so.
  • Keeping a nurse- Sometimes if a surgery is very crucial and the recovering stage is an extended one, then a person should keep a nurse to look after. An assistance of a person is need at this stage. A nurse is also a health care professional who has immense knowledge of treating a patient after a surgery.  She can help you out with your food habits, medicine and can definitely bring a change to your entire routine.
  • Traveling and driving should completely be banned- In this particular phase a person should completely be abandon from travelling and driving. Though these are the basic activities which a person undergoes everyday but still certain things need to be rejected during a particular time period.
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Well, these are basic things that a person should do in the post surgery phase. Now let’s highlight a very important element which should also be discussed in this article.  There may be certain complications which can take place after the surgery. A person needs to be aware about it.  The various complications that may happen are fever, pain, vomiting and may be racing heart beat.  Every individual should be attentive towards their health. Any such complications should be immediately reported to a doctor.

These precautionary measures are very basic and common but carry a lot of importance. Dr. Mark Hochberg, one of the leading general surgeons can be consulted anytime by any person in such cases.