Tips for Buying Antique Furniture


Decorating your home with antiques is an excellent way to add character and individualism. Plus, investing in these pieces can pay dividends in the near future! Even if you’re new to buying antique pieces, don’t feel intimidated – with just a few tricks you’re sure to find an item you love that you’ll gradually build your collection over time! Most important of all though is selecting pieces that express who you are as an individual with their individual styles and personalities!

Antique Shipping Services

Any collector understands the difficulty in transporting fragile and old antiques across the nation safely. Doing it on your own can be stressful and time consuming; let Ship Smart safely transport them for less cost than doing it on your own – our price calculator makes the process much simpler; just call our friendly shipping antiques customer service for more details or use our price calculator online to determine just how affordable this shipping type can be – even if just one item needs moving, they have you covered with ease.

Here are suggestions when shopping antique furniture.

Find something you love

Select products you are sure will bring pleasure for an extended period, even if the profit from selling or auctioning them may not be substantial. Choose pieces that interest you so they can add their personal flair to your home decor.

Look off the beaten track

Forget popular cities or websites; instead search out more remote areas for hidden gems with character. Not only may there be great discounts available with LTL freight companies that will deliver massive items, but even furniture delivered right to your door could save time!

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Take accurate measurements

Consider where you will place your new pieces and measure them to ensure they fit within their designated spaces. When placing antiques as accent pieces in any room design scheme, use one of these applications to help plan out how best to display them – an antique can make for great focal pieces in a room’s design when placed strategically!

Check for authenticity

If you’re searching for quality, always take care to verify the item is authentic before buying. Here are some tips for telling if an item is genuine: When shopping online, contact the seller for more details and request photos or clear documents such as stamps. When attending auctions or antique markets, seek help from knowledgeable specialists before making purchases. Always conduct adequate research prior to any purchases!

Go for quality

Aim for quality at all costs; don’t settle for less expensive or lower quality alternatives. That way you’ll know you made an intelligent purchase decision – such as furniture crafted of high-grade wood or pieces in better shape that you can restore or recycle without causing harm to the original structure of what you purchase. Select furniture you know will benefit you most; long-lasting antique pieces you can get familiar with will provide even greater longevity than newer options!

Tips to Care for Antique Furniture


Tags and labels are essential components of an antique object and help identify its history – which in turn increases its value. But sometimes when purchasing furniture through auctions you might discover some annoying labels used just recently to mark prices or identify pieces – before taking action against these tags, take care to inspect whether any contain unneeded information – if this is indeed the case then use appropriate methods to remove them.

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It can happen that some tea drops accidentally fall on our armchair or that our classic sofa we’ve long desired has become stained to the fabric. In such a situation, two remedies typically will work to solve this problem: in a container mix one cup of hot water with 1/4 cup white vinegar and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid before applying the solution using either a sponge or bristled brush to treat fabric stains.


One of the Most Preferred Materials by Designers Since 1930s and 1970s Metal was one of the primary choices used by designers during the 30s and 1970s for creating our favorite furniture and lamps, often making up their majority component. While metal’s durability ensures longevity in these pieces, prolonged moisture exposure and dust exposure may pose issues – however there may be DIY solutions to this problem: Simply rub an area that has become rusted with half of a lemon for effective treatment, adding pinch of coarse salt with few drops of lemon juice should work as well!


At first glance, wood may appear fragile and delicate, yet there are not too many regulations surrounding its care. One key thing to keep in mind when considering wood as living substances is that its fibers must move with changes in humidity levels in its surroundings – swelling when filled with water before drying completely when air becomes dry – thus necessitating a coat of clear varnish as both nutrition and protection for any future wood surfaces.

Electrical systems

Antique items tend to increase in value when fully restored with all their original parts, though you may be able to incorporate elements from the past into modern life without losing value. A lamp that has suffered button panel damage may still be restored with premium replacement panels that match both its material and colors perfectly.

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